Warehouse & Fulfillment

Ivy Tech Community College eStore
Quickly launched a 24/7 eStore.
Streamlined ordering and delivery processes.
Provided direct shipment to all 22 locations.
Ivy Tech Community College (ITCC) offers 70+ academic programs and classes in 75+ of Indiana’s communities. The global pandemic put unexpected demand on the school to procure and distribute PPE material to students, faculty and staff.
We consulted with ITCC and quickly developed a plan to source the product needed and create a custom web-based solution for procurement. This solution, which had to be deployed with speed and accuracy, needed to:
- Build a 24/7 eStore within weeks of global pandemic.
- Stock custom-branded N95 masks, face shields, lab jackets, rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, sani-wipes, etc.
- Provide 24/7 access to these products to more than 300 unique users, compromised of faculty and staff to support their 70,000 students.
- Added an approval process to manage inventory and ensure distribution.
- Provided direct shipping to more than 70,000 students, faculty and staff spread over 22 individual campus locations.
- Helped navigate a complicated medical supply chain.
Here’s how our performance and approach improved the client’s results:
- Within weeks of the global pandemic making its impact, Ivy Tech Community College had a 24/7 digital storefront, stocked with PPE in place. This kept classrooms safe so they could continue their mission of educating the next generation of leaders in the state of Indiana.