Looking for a Regulatory Compliance Communications Provider? Here are a Few Qualities That Will Help

Marketing for healthcare practices, schools and nonprofit organizations requires unique and innovative approaches. Promoting these organizations and helping them maintain relationships with existing patients, students or donors requires a gentle balance between data-based insights, personalization and a strong focus on protecting their sensitive information.

What is HITRUST Certification and Why Does It Matter So Much for Healthcare Marketing?

As a healthcare professional, you most certainly are familiar with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), as well as regulations you must follow according to the rule. However, HITRUST is not as well-known, so you may be asking yourself, “What is HITRUST certification anyway, and how does it affect me, my practice and our marketing efforts?”

Digital Tracking Technologies and HIPAA Regulations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has been in place to protect patients since 1996, but technology and personal data access has expanded exponentially since then. Today, digital tracking technologies and other online communications can create a “fingerprint” or digital ID of a person’s healthcare digital interactions, which expose sensitive information that has allowed some marketers to leverage this private data to achieve their objectives. 

HITRUST Certification and Marketing Solutions: Security Protocols that Enhance Insurance and Medical Clients’ Peace of Mind

Medical practices and insurance companies can face devastating ramifications when private data is released due to data breaches, including thousands of dollars in fines, millions of dollars in business loss, diminishing of the business’s reputation and the stress of having patients’ health care information compromised.

For Hard-Hit Healthcare Recruiters, a Few Solutions Offer Hope

The healthcare industry in America is facing an extraordinary staffing crisis. A 2021 Mercer study forecasts a shortage of nearly 450,000 home health aides and nearly 30,000 nurse practitioners. There will likely be continued shortages across the healthcare industry, a combined effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, already extant staff shortages and employee burnout.